About Ann Perry’s School for the Energetically Sensitive

You’re a curious, need to know kind of spiritual seeker who may find it difficult to talk about “woo woo” stuff with just anyone. You’ve got questions and it’s clear you want answers.

The fact that Spirit guided you here tells me that you’re possibly going through a spiritual awakening. You may even be a bit of a “spiritual junkie” who has tons of courses and credits to your name. You may feel that time is running out so you are really committed to discovering how to navigate this lifetime to its fullest. Sounds about right?

So what gives?

Maybe your spiritual awakening is creating some distance between you and those who have known you for so long. Guess what? There’s no turning back to who you were before. That ship has sailed. The good news is that who you are meant to be is just around the corner!

But, the truth is that navigating your awakening is tough to do alone, especially when you likely feel like you don’t fit in and this isn’t even your planet!

Sometimes, all the noise on the internet just gets in the way of you being able to see what you truly need and the path that’s going to get you there. Sometimes, just a little support from a like minded community or one on one support from a seasoned coach like myself can offer you the breakthroughs you’ve been looking for.

Is it possible that you are feeling a bit overwhelmed and unseen? Let me assure you that I see you.

Hey, I’m Ann, and I know all about what you’re going through. In case we’ve never met before, let me tell you a little bit about me…

Ever since I was about 7 years old, I knew I was “different.” I never truly fit in. I had my share of invisible friends but even from that young age, I struggled to understand why other kids didn’t have a fascination with spirits, angels and…umm…dead things. I guess you could say I felt isolated and pretty lonely.

Over the years, as my interest in all things metaphysical grew, the company I kept shrank. I had to become far more selective in my choice of friends. I needed to surround myself with those who actually understood me and had an appreciation for the “woo woo.” I learned that I just needed to be ok “doing and being me.”

Later in life, I made it my mission to help you to unapologetically just do you!

At first I offered Numerology readings because my introduction to Numerology literally blew me away! I had to share this new knowledge! Then I created the Clarity Seekers Community because I wanted to fill the void I experienced along my journey and no doubt you may be experiencing along yours.

How would you benefit if you were …

  • Offered the opportunity to do a deep dive into your Soul Signature contract with an experienced guide who can enlighten you as to why you are here.
  • Welcomed into an open-minded supportive community who accepted your often-quirky spiritual self and where “weird” is the norm.
  • In an environment that accepts that being maybe a wee bit weird is the new norm and where your uniqueness is accepted rather than feared.
  • Exposed to a myriad of trusted courses and disciplines related to the healing arts and the metaphysical (code for woo woo!) all under one roof available to you 24/7.
  • Introduced to a wide variety of hand-picked master teachers who you can actually interact with LIVE.

Can you see how this would benefit you and your quest for further spiritual enlightenment?

Now, I’ve helped over thousands of spiritual seekers just like you to find clarity in a sea of confusion. Let’s face it. There are TONS of courses, self help books, podcasts and more that promise you that THIS will be the answer to your prayers! THIS will be the be all and end all to your endless search for clarity. THIS will satisfy your need to know your life purpose. I can’t promise you that. I won’t even try to promise you that. What I will promise you is this.

I’m different from other Soul Coaches because I believe that what you need to know will come to you in exactly the right timing for you. Do I believe you were divinely led to this message? As fluffy as it may sound, yes, I do believe you were guided to this message.

But listen, I didn’t become a successful Numerologist/Soul Coach overnight. I took my share of courses, read my share of books and listened to my share of podcasts before I gained the clarity necessary to confidently KNOW the path I needed to walk on. Trust me when I say, I took my share of detours and reinvented myself a dozen times along the way. Maybe you can relate?

The truth is, I love to share new topics of discussion that are sometimes, well…a wee bit off the beaten track!

I love seeing my clients and community members grow after they have been introduced to a new healing technique or philosophy. I also appreciate that this community attracts practitioners of all kinds of disciplines. It’s amazing when I discover their gifts and offer them an opportunity to share with our group. Everyone wins!

Being able to offer so many different options to connect gives you the option of getting  as involved with me personally or in the community as much as you are comfortable with.

So let me ask you …how’s it been working for you going it alone?

I can’t wait to connect with you!

 ~ Ann